Ski & Kayak Transport Service


Need to move a boat? We can offer delivery and pickup from local events, the Winter Challenge, Freycinet Challenge or anywhere/anytime we are doing a road trip in Tasmania or to mainland Australia. NLK has a custom built boat trailer and highly experienced staff to ensure your boat will arrive safe and sound.

Our Ski & Kayak Transport Service runs on demand. Our rates cover pick-ups and drop-offs on our planned route, deviations from this will incur an extra cost depending on the additional time and kilometres involved. Please note pricing may vary from delivery to delivery - contact us for up-to-date information prior to purchasing.

from $45 intrastate

from $195 interstate


Hobart-Devonport-Melbourne-Sydney-Gold Coast-Brisbane-Wollongong-Kiama-Ulladulla-Albury-Wodonga-Melbourne-Devonport-Hobart every 4 to 6 weeks 


  • Delivery to and from the Hobart area to any major race statewide
  • Custom built trailer to protect your boat
  • All rates include full marine transit insurance
  • Interstate delivery available (subject to availability)
Ski & Kayak Transport Service
Next Level Kayaking can offer Kayak and Ski transport all over Tasmania
Next Level Kayaking can offer Kayak and Ski transport all over Tasmania
Next Level Kayaking can offer Kayak and Ski transport all over Tasmania

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If there is magic on
this planet, it is
contained in water.

Loren Eiseley